Lammas Lughnasadh Magical Creation Ritual Workshop
Channel the summer energy of the Wheel of the Year where we will be making magickal perfume and incense to use to work this energy around the festival. This was a common time for marriage so this class will focus on honoring our self and or spiritual practice.
The perfume will be made in a roller ball bottle with essential oils and we will teach you how to intuitively use your senses to make the blend that's right for you.
Incense blends will be made with dried herbs and resins and the perfume blend will be added to it. We will show you the different ways to use these items in your spiritual practice and have fun burning our herbal blends!
Lessons will be given on Lammas and the height of summer with the energy of the fire festival. Oils, herbs and all materials will be provided with correspondences for each material we will use.
This is a fun creation workshop that requires an open mind and an open heart!
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