Crystals have been used for centuries as a way to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. One way to use crystals is to place them on or around the body to cleanse and align the aur...
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Imbolc is one of the four main festivals of the Celtic Wheel of the Year and is a time to honor the coming of Spring. It is also known as Imbolg, Candlemas, and Oimelc. People come together to cel...
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Making Your Own Aromatherapy Bath Salts
Creating your own bath salts is a terrific way to enjoy aromatherapy at home. Surprisingly, bath salts are very affordable to make and require no harsh ingredients. In fact, the main ingredients in...
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Crystals are a popular natural remedy for anxiety and stress. Many people believe that the energy and vibrations of certain crystals can help to calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace. If...
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Full Moon in Aquarius - August 2020
The full moon in Aquarius is ready to help you enhance your spiritual connection as well as provide understanding to the energy surrounding your relationships. Always, when we have our full moon r...
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Surviving Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio & A Charmed Soap Recipe
What is Mercury Retrograde? When Mercury goes retrograde, it means that it appears that it's moving in the opposite direction but it's not, it's an optical illusion because of the placement of t...
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Feeling Stuck? Spiritual Tips for Success & Motivation
Are you having trouble getting yourself motivated? You want to get back to the grind, but you're just feeling like blah. Change can be something we desire, we strive for more and we want to succee...
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Bringing Your Spiritual Life Into Your Garden
On Friday the 13th we hosted our first "Magikal Roundtable" at Gypsy Soul Dreaming. My goal was create a free class offering information on how to use magick and spiritual tools into your every da...
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