What to Do with Petition Papers After a Spell
Petition papers play a crucial role in casting spells. These small pieces of paper carry the intentions and desires of the spell caster, acting as a bridge between the physical and metaphysical realms. Once a spell has been performed, the question arises – what should one do with the petition papers? In this blog, we will explore the significance of petition papers and provide guidance on what to do with them after a spell.
The act of writing down the intention on the paper helps to focus the energy and channel it towards the desired outcome.
What goes on a petition paper?
- A written statement of manifestation or relasing
- Affirmations
- Symbols
- Sigils
- Drawings
Energy Amplification: Petition papers serve as a physical representation of the spell caster's intentions. The act of writing down the desire helps to solidify and amplify the energy behind the spell.
Connection with the Divine: In many instances, petition papers are seen as a form of communication with higher powers, deities, or the universe. The written words act as a request or a message sent to the spiritual realms.
Symbolic Representation: The paper itself can hold symbolic meaning. Its material, color, and texture may have significance in magical traditions. Choosing the right paper can add layers of symbolism to the spell.
When using petition papers for manifesting
By using petition papers in spellwork for manifesting, you can:
- Enhance Spellwork
- Manifest your Intentions
- Boost Healing Potential
- Increase Vibrational Frequency
- Empowerment and Confidence
- Strengthens Rituals and Ceremonies

What to do with the petition papers after a manifesting spell is complete:
- Burning: Burn the paper and use the ashes in other spells
- Burying: If you wish to bury the paper, do so on your property to keep the wish as close to your space as possible. If you don't have a yard, bury the paper in a potted plant.
- Keep in a sacred place: If you have a special place you keep papers like a magickal box or journal, keep your papers safe and protected in there.
- Keep in a space that correlates to the spell: If you wished for a lover, keep your paper by your bed or in a space you associate with love. If you are manifesting money, keep it in your wallet or in a safe. Keeping the paper in a relative area can help call the energy to that intention.
- Offer to the elements: If you wish to give the paper to wind or water, make sure they are flowing towards your home, not away from you.
Spell Kits for Manifesting
When using petition papers for releasing
By using petition papers by banishing or releasing energy you can:
- Gain clarity
- Have a tangible representation of what needs to be released
- Focus your energy
- Amplify your intention
- Structure your ritual
- Experience a cathartic release
- Gain closure

What to do with the petition papers after a releasing spell is complete:
- Burning: Burn the paper and release the ashes into the elements.
- Burying: If you wish to bury the paper, do so far away from your home.
- Leave at a crossroads: Place the paper at a crossroads, leave it behind and don't look back!
- Throw it away: If you choose to throw it away, make sure to do so away from your home.
- Offer to the elements: If you wish to give the paper to wind or water, make sure they are flowing away from you and your home.
Spell Kits for Releasing
The journey of a spell extends beyond the casting ritual, and the handling of petition papers plays a significant role in completing that journey. Whether through burning, burying, keeping, offering, or releasing, the choice depends on personal preference and the magical tradition followed. What matters most is the intention behind the action – a conscious and respectful closure to the spell, allowing its energy to continue its course in the universe. As practitioners, the careful consideration of what to do with petition papers contributes to the rich tapestry of magical practices, connecting us to the mysteries of the metaphysical world.